日時:2016年4月3日(日) 10:30-12:30
10:30-10:40 じゆうあそび
10:40-10:50 アイスブレイク・ゲーム
10:50-11:00 「幸せなら手をたたこう」をいろんなことばでうたおう
11:00-11:20 おしゃべり「おすすめ遊び場・お出かけスポット」
11:20-11:30 あいさつ&えほんのじかん
11:30-12:30 おべんとうタイム&おしゃべり
持ち物:お弁当、飲み物(おべんとうタイム参加者のみ)場所:cafeここらく (map)
Email: seika-global-net-info★zeus.eonet.ne.jp(★を@にかえてください)
1) 参加者全員のお名前(ふりがな)とお子さんの年齢(外国出身の方は国名も)
2) 住所 3) 電話番号 4) Eメールアドレス
"Ichigo Ichie" is for foreign and Japanese parents to make new friends and exchange information.
It was born from the voice of foreign mamas who are raising children and studying at this Seika Global Network "Japanese Learning Room(daytime)".
"I live in Japan for many years, but I don't have any friends."
"I have many difficulties living in Japan and raising children, but I don't have someone to ask."
Getting to know the difficulties of raising children in foreign country and the loneliness of foreign families, we started this playgroup so that everyone expand the circle of friends and get more information about raising children in Japan.
Theme of the coming playgroup:"Favorite playground and place to visit"
Let's share the information of playground and place to visit with children. Please bring something like guidebook if you have it.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Date & Time: April 3rd (Sun), 2016 10:30-12:30
Program: 【Playgroup Meeting】
10:30-10:40 Free play time
10:40-10:50 Ice-break game
10:50-11:00 Sing-along time "If you're happy and you know it" in various languages
10:50-11:20 Chat time "Favorite playground and place to visit"
11:20-11:30 Greeting time and Story time
【Lunch Time & Chatting】
11:30-12:30 Lunch Time & Chatting
What to bring: Lunch and drinks (if you are participating in the Lunch time.)
Place: Cafe Kokoraku (map)
Fee: 100 yen per adult (free for children)
*It will be used for various costs such as venue, printing, event insurance, etc.
Capacity: 50 people
(If applicants exceed 50, it will be decided by raffle.)
People who would like to participate should fill out the "contact us" form on the Seika Global Net Homepageor send an e-mail to following address with the information listed below 1) - 4)
*Extension of deadline, due to availability of seats.
Email: seika-global-net-info★zeus.eonet.ne.jp(Please change ★ to @.)
1) the names of everyone participating, your home country and your children's age
2) Address 3) Phone Number 4) E-mail Address